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#A WordPress plugin and an add-on to Long Watch Studio's WooRewards (also known as MyRewards), a WooCommerce plugin.
Add one-time redeemable vouchers as a reward option in your points and rewards system powered by WooRewards for customers to unlock, with the vouchers being issued by using the QR Planet API. Customers who unlock the voucher reward will receive an email with the voucher's redemption link and instructions to redeem the voucher.
This was the very first WordPress plugin I ever developed.
Problem Solved
#I developed this plugin during my first web developer job, upon my then-employer's request to integrate QR Planet's API into my then-company's WooCommerce website, with a customer points and rewards system powered by WooRewards, to allow customers to unlock one-time redeemable vouchers with reward points.
Technologies Used
#WooRewards Add-On: One-Time Redeemable Voucher is a WordPress plugin built with PHP, CSS and the QR Planet API.
Challenges Faced
#As this was my first time developing a WordPress plugin, I studied a lot about PHP and how to create a WordPress plugin.
Lessons Learned
#Successfully developing my first WordPress plugin was a major step in my web developer journey, by showcasing not only my technical and programming knowledge and skills, but also my learning and problem-solving skills.
You can read about my thought process behind developing my first WordPress plugin.