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Chingu Voyage 46 Completed

On 12 November 2023, I, along with two other teammates had officially completed Chingu Voyage 46. I received my Certificate of Completion (PDF file) from Chingu on 19 November 2023.

Back in August, I had created a TickyBot clone as my solo project to submit to Chingu in order to join the next Chingu Voyage, specifically Tier 1, which is for web development beginners. My submission was approved by Chingu, and I was assigned to Tier 1 Team 1.

We were instructed to build a recipe app that allows users to search for recipes by inputting ingredients.

Screenshot of Recipe Hub

You can view our Recipe Hub app's live site and GitHub repository.

Chingu Voyage was a big help to me for gaining practical experience in working on group projects, and learning both hard and soft skills. Particupating in the Chingu Voyage allowed me to practice not only my HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills, but also my teamwork and communication skills that are needed in group projects.

Before joining Chingu, I already practice my front-end web development skills with my own projects and Frontend Mentor's challenges, but since those were all solo projects, participating in my first Chingu Voyage, which was Voyage 46, was a new experience for me.