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CS50x Week 8 Assignments Completed

At last, I completed and submitted Week 8 assignments of the CS50's Introduction to Computer Science (CS50x) course, including Lab 8 and Problem Set 8.

The eighth week of the CS50x is about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and how the internet works. I already have a good foundation in HTML, CSS and JavaScript since I started taking front-end web development courses on other platforms like freeCodeCamp and Scrimba since December 2022. Even then, I learned new things about how the internet works from the CS50x course.

As for the assignments, I already completed and submitted Lab 8 on September 13, but it took almost two weeks after submitting Lab 8 for me to finally finish Problem Set 8, because I was struggling to come out of ideas about what to put on my pages to meet CS50x's requirement. I was relieved when I finally finished Problem Set 8.